Friday, September 24, 2010

Who Are You Anyway

     Some of you may not like what I'm about to write but I feel compelled to write about it. So, just bare with me and keep an open mind. Ya know, I read the Bible and I research things in it and I re-read it and I try to make sense out of it. It actually DOES make sense. I was talking with a friend earlier today and she was telling about a friend she has who gets plastic surgery done. Her friend has no medical conditions, nothing that needed cosmetic repair; her friend just does it to "look better". I looked in the Bible and nowhere did it say Eve went and had plastic surgery to make herself look better. Nowhere does it state that we as humans need to engage in such a horrific act.

     Seriously, is it that you are so insecure of yourself you feel compelled to go under the knife? Or even get a needle stuck in your forehead a couple of times to make yourself look better? I don't understand why people do this to themselves. If it is because you need it for cosmetic reasons (because you became disfigured from an accident or etc...) I get that and I understand that. But, when you are perfectly healthy and you're aging and you want to look younger..WHY? What is it about growing older you're afraid of? Have you not researched what extensive cosmetic surgery can do to you? Why are you afraid to look at yourself in the mirror each day and face the real YOU?

     I have never had plastic surgery done and I pray I will never need it because of circumstances beyond my control. You know in the Bible it says our body is a Temple. God, did not say to make it better under false pretenses. My friends, friend has had a nose job, a boob job, botox and who knows what else is diminishing her own Temple created by God. All I'm saying is; be happy who you are, from the inside out. How can you be happy with your outsides if it something you did not create? The botox is POISON and yet you feel the need to inject it into your forehead? And... you choose to manipulate the work of God?

If God were to come see you today...would he recognize you...or would he ask "Who Are You Anyway?"

Until Next Time,
Much Love,

Thursday, September 9, 2010

I Think I Know You - You're ME!

A lot of times, I get emails from readers asking for advice on certain things going on in their lives. I enjoy all the emails I get so thanks for sending them! Recently, I received an email from a lady named "Diane". I'll call her "Diane" for the sake of my blog and her story. This was her email to me:

Sept 6, 2010

Dear Nikki,

You don't know me, but I think I know who you're ME! I read your blog every day and when I read it, I feel like you're living MY life. You write about things that seem to happen in my life. I don't know how you do it, but I feel like you're talking right to me. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a stalker (lol) but I really love reading your blogs. You are very insightful and you speak from your heart, something that is not easy for me to do. I have a question for you and you can feel free to post my question in your blog, maybe someone else is or has gone through what I have been going through. I need your help Nikki.

I'm 47 years old, a mother of 4 and I'm married to a man I really no longer find no enjoyment to be with. For the past 5 or 6 years, I've been depressed. Although I haven't been diagnosed with depression, I feel depressed all the time. You always seem to be upbeat and right on. My question is: how do you stay so upbeat and not let life get you down? How do you cope with things when you're depressed?

Thanks for your time,
advent Nikki Landry fan.

What a great email from "Diane". I was pleased to know that she offered her email to be published because depression is a very hard thing to go through life with. There's a difference between being sad and being depressed. Depression not only affects your mind, spirit and soul but it also affects your health. It's important to seek medical help with depression. I'm not sure of the severity of her depression but she mentions it's been for years. I would suggest Diane seek medical help. I would ask her to see a Psychologist for help. Many times people think seeing a Psychologist (or Shrinks for the slang term) is a bad thing to do. My question is Why? It's actually the "In" thing to do. Ask any celebrity they all have shrinks. I even have one. Who cares if I have to pay someone to listen to my problems and help me through them? At least SOMEONE is listening to me, and someone who can show me how to get better at being the person I was meant to be.

Diane also asked how do I stay so upbeat all the time? Well, keep in mind I'm an entertainer so part of my job is be "upbeat" and entertaining. When I re-focus my energy onto things that are good; I get happy. When I take my mind off of "me" I feel better. So, if you're having a hard time being happy, then take your mind off yourself, go do something NICE for someone else. Have you ever wondered when you go to the doctor because you're sick you almost always feel better as soon as you walk into the hospital? Why? because you're mind is on something else other than YOU. So, go get happy, do something for someone else for a change. Stop thinking only about yourself, go volunteer me there are people out there who could use your help.

Thanks to Diane for her email. If you'd like to email me with a question please do so in the leave a comment box. All comments come to my personal email before they get approved to be shown in the comments box.

Until Next Time,
Much Love,

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

"About Face"- If Tomorrow Never Comes...Then What?

September 1, 2010

The title of this blog is often used as a military preparatory command. For my blog purpose I'll use it in a different way. When was the last time you looked at someones face? I mean really looked at them to see what they are feeling inside. Many times we "look" at people and that's all we do, we just "look". Have you ever taken out the time to just look at someone and wonder "are they happy, are they sad, did they have a bad day, are they hurting, are they confused, do they feel pain," Not too many people will show how they feel on the outside. A lot of people are very good at hiding their emotions. Everything looks great to other people who look at them, when in fact...they could really use a friend.

I have a girlfriend who is an expert on hiding her feelings when I look at her. To look at her, you'd think her life was just so perfect. She wears the nicest clothes, her make up is southern perfect, she smells very nice, she walks with pride, and she drives an expensive car. Sure all these things are material things, but that's what she's about. On the outside, she always has to look like she's the best at everything she does. I never asked her any of this because, well, frankly I can see right through her, so why bring it up? I know that a few years ago her husband cheated on her and yet, to this day she doesn't talk about it. It's almost as if nothing happened. I asked her why she never talks about it and she said with a smile of course..."I know I'm the best thing he has, so what he did was a mistake, and I've moved on from it, he'll never be able to find someone to replace me." That's what she told me...with confidence.

Two weeks ago, he left her. She called me and she was crying, and I wanted so much to look at her face to see if she really believed what just happened to her. I asked her why he left her and she said she didn't know. Then I asked her why did he tell you he left you? Then, there was silence on the phone. "Abbey?" I asked. "Are you there?" She whispers in tears to me, "yeah, I'm here". I said "What's the matter, why are you crying?" She begins to tell me her story.

"Nikki, you just don't understand, even if I told you, you wouldn't understand." I said "Try me." So, she begins her story. "Dean told me the reason why he left me was because I showed no emotion and when I did it was usually bitter." She continues "Am I bitter person, Nikki?" I answer her "Are you?" she replies "I don't think so, but Dean seems to think so." I ask "What have you done nice for him lately?" She 'laughs a little in between tears, "What haven't I done nice for him? I clean the house, I cook, I do the laundry, I work, I make sure the dogs are fed, I even walk the dogs when he can't, I'm always doing something for him and it seems like I never do anything for me. I always put him first..always. How does that make me without emotion, Nikki?"

"Abbey, that sounds all very nice and well, really it does. My question to you Abbey is When was the last time you told Dean you appreciated him, or that by having him in your life means everything to you?" Again, I heard silence on the other end and then Abbey chimes in. "He knows that stuff, I married him for crying out loud. He knows I love him and I appreciate him." I interrupt her "Really?, he does?" Do you appreciate me as a friend Abbey? I ask her. "Of course I do Nikki, you're my best friend." I get silent for a moment and I could hear it in her silence, she realized she never told me she appreciated me as a friend. I tell her, "'ve never told me that you do, and when I tell you I appreciate you as a friend you just say thank you." She replies with tears in her eyes "I'm so sorry...I DO appreciate you." Then I whisper to her..."Thank you, now go tell Dean that you appreciate HIM too, and look at his face, see that he's hurting and let him look at yours and let him see you are's what you're feeling. Let him feel your hurt, and you feel his. Together you will bond, it's very easy's About Face."

When you love someone, let them know. Today is all we have and tomorrow is a gift. Here is a video that I included to give you a reminder of the importance of communication.

If tomorrow never comes...then what?

Until Next Time,
Much Love,
