Monday, February 25, 2013

When Time Remembers When

It's been a while since I've written. It's not that I haven't had anything to say, I actually do have a lot to say, but where do you begin when you feel like you're at your beginning? When you feel like you're in the beginning of something great is it fair to go back in the past and remember? Do we do ourselves justice by going back in time? We can not bring the past back and to be quite honest with you, there's really not much in my past I want back.

There really is no benefit to looking back in much of anything other than to be grateful for the things we had that made us feel good. Looking back on the past and resenting our decisions holds no true value in who we are capable of becoming today. We all live with some sort of regret, some sort of "should of" or the "I knew better" but what about today? Do we still hold regret, are we still filled with the "I shoulds" are we still going through the "I know betters"? 

For me, I can honestly say there was a recent time where I was "shoulding" myself. I should of done this, I should of done that, I knew better than to...and the list goes on. What changed for me was the meaning of today. Even though I was going through all that, I realized that "you know what? I did those things" and I can't change them. So I carry on and everyday I try to do something nice for someone. It's my way of not letting my past control my present. My present is my gift to my self. 

The shortest distance between two lines is a straight line, so draw that straight line to the future and never mind all the curves you had to go around in the past. You do not need to remember when, that's times' job and right now, who has time to go back in the past?

Not me.  
Until Next Time,
Much Love,
