Saturday, June 22, 2013

Robots Hitting My Blog

      Creating a blog is one thing, getting people to visit it is another. I look at my stats daily and I have a lot of repeat readers (thanks!) but how do I get new readers to my blog?  Let's face it, everyone who writes a blog feels they have something very important to write about or else they wouldn't be writing about it. (including myself :) )
      For the past few days I have been searching on how to get free traffic to your blog and there are countless ways to get free traffic. The problem is, I think these methods I've found all use a robot sort of thing to get you more hits. I see hits coming to my site mostly from the US but sometimes I see hits coming from all over the world. I'm sure some robot somewhere picked up my blog address and put it into a system to generate these "hits".
      Maybe you could leave me a comment or follow my blog to prove you're human. Then again, that's run by a robot too, since I can't see who follows me I can only see the amount of followers. I really don't want robots reading my blog, seems so impersonal...or maybe it's a good thing having Robots Hitting My Blog? 

Until Next Time,
Much Love,


  1. Naughty talk brings the crowd..:)

  2. Last I checked I'm human...RQ

    Unless it is like MIB #2 and we are all in a bus locker...

  3. Im here! I'm not a robot! Vera


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